Saturday, January 31, 2009

Santiago/Thorns of Life in the basement

Hey, everybody. Obviously the vacation photos weren't doing it for me anymore so I decided to entertain with some photos from a good ol' punk rock house show. Last night Santiago played a show at a friends house with Thorns of Life, a band made up of Blake Schwarzenbach, Aaron Cometbus, and Daniela Sea. All three were once members of iconic punk bands from my and many others' youth. They have formed Thorns of Life and are doing a very DIY, house show kind of tour, and it was really exciting to get to see them play in my small town!

First up, Santiago. Gabe was sick, but he still sang quite well.

Just to give you an idea of the space. It was a tiny, crowded basement. Low ceilings, exposed insulation, ducts, etc.

Then Thorns of Life. People really packed into the tiny room. I was lucky to get a spot on a ledge behind the band. It helped me not feel so claustrophobic, and afforded me some great photo opportunities. We have Blake on guitar and vocals, Aaron on drums, and Daniela on bass.

My friend Dave was given the job of holding a spare drumstick for Aaron throughout their set, which he did faithfully.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

amazing photos, as usual, Liz. I'm quite jealous that you got to be in the same room as Daniela Sea. Lucky Duck!!

Can't wait to see you in April!