Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Scooters, accidents, flowers, vacation!

Gabe and I bought a scooter. We have been wanting one for a long time cause gas is getting more and more expensive, not to mention I just would rather not use as much anyway. Also, they are just adorable and fun to ride. So we bought one. We had a blissful two weeks with her , and then I, of course, crashed. It wasn't a bad accident, although I was laid up with an injured foot for about two weeks. The scooter has been in the shop waiting on a part for awhile now, and I totally miss it.

See where I smashed the headlamp casing? I suck.

Gabe and I are leaving on vacation (Europe!) in a few days and won't be back until August 2nd, so I'll leave you with a photo of the first red rose in our yard this summer. I'm sure I will have many lovely photos to share upon my return.

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